This post describes how to create emberjs component login-link. This component acts like normal link or opens a pop-up depending on situation.

In stepic we do support anonymous users — you can go through steps, solve quizzes and progress will be saved (as long as cookie alive). But anyway we gently nudge user to register or login. We have “please login” links spread over application. To make login process seamless and not bothering we redirect user back after login.

Problem is that stepic may also be embedded into iframe on third-party website. In this case we don’t want to redirect user to login page (many reasons..) but open a pop-up window with login page.

Decision we came up with is to implement login-link component and use it instead of {{link-to ...}}.

Here is source code:

And here is how we use it:

To save your progress please {{#login-link}}log in{{/login-link}} first.

How it works

login() method returns promise which resolving only when App really has user object loaded.

LoginLinkComponent acts like normal link when App is not embedded (see click()). But when App is embedded we trying to open pop-up with login page then just calling login() on ApplicationController every 600ms. When login succeeded App.reset() do the rest for us.

To access ApplicationController from LoginLinkComponent we use emberjs injections.

Depending on auth implementation in your app you may need to access pop-up window (to get unique token for example). In that case instead of calling login() you can check hidden input inside pop-up window like so:

popup = @get('login_popup')
token = popup.document.getElementById('auth_token')	
if token 

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